Sunday, July 26, 2009

Addison Update- 7 months old

This is a video of Addi trying to walk using a push walker. If you put something in front of this child she is going to master it. She actually walks really far with this thing, 7 steps is the farthest, but I'm still trying to figure out how to upload a small clip off my actual video camera.


Addi was 7 months old yesterday. She is crawling, pulling up, and walking using a push walker. We have 2 teeth. We went to the doctor at the beginning of the week and weighed 22 lbs. We were in the 99th percentile for weight and 95th for height (27 inches). Last week we went to Dr. Reisner, the eye doctor in Nac, and She determined Addi's vision to be right around 20/200 which is legally blind, but to us, it's just a number. Addi doesn't let anything hold her back and is REALLY REALLY early on a lot of things. The eye doctor told us about a note she can write us so we can darken the tint on our car windows (WHAT A BIG HELP). She told us that if we can get Addison's visions anywhere better than 20/200 than she could drive with restrictions. So.. we will see. She also told us that until Addi is 1 years old, she might could develop more pigment. She might not, but she could. We are going to another vision specialist in the morning, and getting her pictures done on Tuesday. We have a occupational therapist, vision teacher, and ECI woman all coming this week. We are going to be super busy!! :)

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