Friday, August 7, 2009

My little goofball!

In this picture and video Addi had crawled over to the recliner in the living room where i was sitting, pulled herself up and was standing there reaching for me and laughing. She is a NUT. Everytime i would smile at her or say boo she would laugh. Everyone should have an Addison!!


  1. i love the black & white pic! she is such a doll, of course...she's looks like her mama did!

  2. Chelsie & BrenBRen :)August 9, 2009 at 11:21 AM

    awwww omg i love this video ...she is such a sweetie!! I'm glad i got to see her again finally, we have to get together again real soon!!! give addi sugars for us :)

  3. She has grown into a beautiful little girl from the beautiful little baby I saw. So sweet and happy. She has something great in her future, I am sure!!
    Betty Weaver
