Tuesday, August 25, 2009

our trip to the mall

It was so super bright that day we had to wear our shades in the mall! And we wore them well :)

So we went to the mall the other day to find some clothes for my child. She has been looking like a little homeless girl lately because she outgrows her clothes sooooo fast.. I can't buy them quick enough for her. We are now 8 months old and in 18-24 month clothes.. mostly 24 months lol.
Well, when we got all the way to the mall I realized I forgot my stroller.. (IDIOT) but the mall had those rent a stroller things that I never wanted to use. I used to see people with those and say, "Eww gross, when I have a baby I will NEVER let her ride in that germy thing." Famous last words. I have learned that when ever you say never, God tests you to see how you will react. I will never let my child scream in a restaraunt..... :)
Well, after mom and I dumped both our bottles of hand sanatizer on this thing and used ALL of my baby wipes wiping it down, we put Addison in it... and she loved it. She was such a hoot, she was driving it and cheesin at people. She had a blast!! So, i guess next time we go to the mall i will bring lots of sanatizer and wipes and do it again..


  1. What a cutie! She is really hammin' it up, isn't she!

  2. Addi is a natural born shopper!!!She looks soooo cute driving her little car.
