Monday, November 30, 2009


That scarecrow was SCARY!!
What is this??

I just want ya'll to know, i had a dress picked out for these pictures, but Casey went and bought addison these overalls. He picked them out himself!! He did good!! :)

Addison and Her Uncle Cody at the pumpkin patch

Family photo :)

She was helping me cook! :)

I love her!

Things have been crazy around here. Addison is now walking, she is into everything. She has been walking here and there for a while now, but she finally got the hang of it and now walks constantly. All i do is chase her around the house and pull foreign objects out of her mouth. In an attempt to relinquish a dime out of her mouth this morning, I was bit by her sharp teeth and still have the marks imbedded in my finger. BUT..... I WON... I have the dime!! That probably sounds really childish, but after a 10 minute fight over a dime or a hour and a half fight trying to get to sleep I really feel like yelling "HA! I won, brat!" :)

Thanksgiving was crazy this year! A few weeks ago Addison got a boil on her bottom. I took her to the dr and he said just to watch it because it didn't seem to bother her and it wasn't very big. He determined that it was caused from diaper a diaper rash. Things went downhill from there. The boil got bigger and bigger and began to really hurt. She wasn't even able to sit on her bottom without crying. We went to the dr again and he barbarically drained it and told us to come back the following day. The next day, we held her down and drained it again. He had four nurses hold her down while he pushed on it as hard as he could. All the while she screamed in pain. I cried harder than she did. He gave us antibiotics and told us to watch because it was a staph infection. The NEXT DAY, her temperature rose to 105. To make a long story a little bit shorter, we visited the ER twice in one day because her fever wouldn't subside. They lanced the boil and made us visit a open wound specialist to have it packed. Her fever was still really high and we couldn't figure out what the deal was. Doctor called 2 days later and told me her cultures came back and she had a UTI which causes severe pain and a high temperature. That was our Thanksgiving break. She is just now recooping and catching up on her sleep (as am i) It has been a long couple of weeks and I need a vacation!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Addie!!!!!!

    Love, Randy & Kimberly
