Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas 2010

Well, it has been quite some time since I have written on Addi's blog. In fact, it has been almost a year. All is well in our household, we have just all been extremely busy. Casey works everyday and has been traveling a lot lately. I just finished up my second internship in a fifth grade classroom. I love teaching and will begin student teaching in a fourth grade classroom in January. The great about that is I no longer have to commute an hour and half to school and home each day. Addison goes to preschool 3 days a week and is super smart. She amazes me with new words, shapes, etc. daily. She will be 2 christmas day. I cannot believe it! Time flies. ... Well, I hear Addison yelling my name from her room... I will write more very soon! :)

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