Thursday, May 14, 2009

4 month doctor visit

Addison went to the doctor yesterday and got her 4 month shots. I know I'm probably being ridiculous, but I am always scared that the shots are going to really mess her up. I keep hearing all these bad things about immunizations, nethertheless, she got the shots. When we got there the nurse weighed her and said she is in the 95th percentile for her weight which means she is FAT!!!! hahah ..just kidding, it really means only 5% of babies are bigger than her. I must say, chunky babies are the cutest!! Addison weighed 17.5 lbs. They also took her temperature and had to readjust the themometer several times due to her fat rolls giving inadequate results.... then came the shots!! poor baby!! I cried harder than she did!! All in all, it was a very productive visit because i got to ask the doctor some things i have been wanting to know. AND YES, i am that mother that drive the doctors crazy with my non-stop questions.

We got the results back on her HPS test.. and Addison does NOT have HPS or the bad stuff associated with some types of albinism. We may have to start taking VitaminD in the future since Addi doesn't get much sun....everything else looked great. All in all, i have one healthy beautiful little girl!!

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