Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Addison in her baby einstein jumper

Addison got a baby einstein jumper the other night!! Oh my gosh, i wish you could have seen her face when she realized she could make it bounce... it was hilareous! she started kicking her feet and throwing her arms around and laughing sooo loud!! well, she loves the thing and she really plays in it.. it's kind of like a exersaucer/jumper 2 in one deal! she plays in it for 45 minutes at a time and she sings to the music... She soo funny!!


  1. Isn't that the sweetest face you have ever seen!

  2. Oh my gosh she is adorable!!! And I can tell she is having soo much fun!
    I have been thinking about getting one for Kory for when he hits 4 months. But I'm having a hard time deciding between the baby einstein and the precious planet. They are both soo cute!

  3. i definitely suggest the einsteing!! also, addi's feet didnt feet this thing until closer to 5 months!!

  4. She is so happy! I don't believe you about her crying all day! You must be making her cry! Haha!
