Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Addi in jail!
Aunt Steph, Cousin in the tummy :), and Addi

Crazy woman- flash was to bright

Uncle H

Uncle Hershel, Meme, and Addi

My Fam

Aunt Steph and Addi

Beauty Queen

As most of you know we have been in Missouri at a family reunion. Addison did great on the 2 hr plane ride there. She slept most the time and played on everyones lap the last hour. But, on the way back she was a crazy woman. She was tired of being in such a confined place, wanted down, she was wild. It didnt help that we were flying in storms and everyone was on edge. But the trip was really fun. We got to see a lot of my family and really enjoyed the visit. There was a pool party and lots of food and fun. Addison could only swim at night, but everyone came in and visited with us. All in all it was a success..... and we found out Addi is going to have another girl cousin!! Congrats to Aunt Steph and Uncle Jason Jacques!!!

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