Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Angel Babies

just threw this one in here cause i like it :)

Andrea and Marissa

my angel babies

Sharing toys

Excuse Addi, she had to sneeze :)

Marissa and her mommy!

Marissa Thorton and her mom, Andrea, came over for a play date today with Addison. Marissa is 6 weeks older than Addi and the COMPLETE opposite of Miss Addi. She is CALM, RELAXED, and EASY GOING!! lol while my child was into everything. It amazed me how much these two friends looked alike. You will be seing more pictures of these two together as they will be best friends in the future and will grow up together!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Look at Addi and her little friend, they are both just the precious!Two little princesses!!! Curt and I can't wait to meet Marissa!!!
