Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beau the big brother

Beau giving Addi sugar, her teeths hurt!
We dont EVER let him get her in the face.. but i had to get a pic or two. I have to tell you all a funny story. Addi doesn't sleep through the night, she wakes up around 3 or 4 for a bottle. Well 90 percent of the time she is in our bed, but the other night she slept in her bed. Well Beau no longer sleeps in our room. If Addi is in her bed he sleeps in her room, if she is in our bed, he sleeps in our room. Well the other night i heard her tossing and turning so i decided to run get a bottle before she started screaming, so i headed for the kitchen and when i walked by her room i looked in and there was Beau, he had jumped up on his hind legs watching her in her crib. I guess he does this all the time because there are scratch marks all over the railing of her crib. Beau is a good brother :) LOL

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