Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hello All

Addi's first lap top and the quilt Aunt Sheyrl made her. The quilt is black and white checkered (high contrast) and has 2 little girls on it. One has blonde hair and one has white like Addi. There is a lot of bright colors and textures for Addi to discover and play with. We just love this quilt!! This quilt will be treasured as much as all of the other homeade quilts we have recieved! Thanks to all.. and if you feel like making us one :) ... WE LOVE QUILTS!!!

1 am. She would not go back to sleep!!

Hello everyone. All is well in our household. Addi is doing great, she is crawling and moving about. We just found out we will be working with an occupational therapist to make sure she doesn't get behind developmentally. They told us that kids with good vision hold an object in thier hands and twist thier wrist to see every detail about that object. Kids with low vision hold an object and do not twist thier wrists (kind of like only seing one dimension). Well, just so you all know, Addi does twist her wrist! I have seen her do it. I was also told she would probably be a late crawler and may not walk til 18 months, but as of now we are right on track. I think she is doing great, but I can't turn down the extra help ECI offers. So, the occupational therapist comes next month and she will let me know how well Addi is doing and if she is falling behind what i can do to help her. Addi is the happiest baby in the world. Sometimes i wonder how Casey and i got so lucky. God is great!! :)

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