Thursday, August 20, 2009

pediatric opthamologist

Addison has had 3 trips to the eye doctor thus far. The first one was her diagnosis, which you all know went horribly. The doctor was very straight forward, told us only worst case scenario, and really shocked us.

Our second trip wasn't so bad. We went last month. I had mentally prepared myself for good news, bad news, whatever.. But sitting in the waiting room looking at the little kids with bottle cap glasses was really hard. I couldn't help but think what life was going to be like for Addi. I understand Addi has an uncurable condition.. but I am still looking for a cure... and always will!!

The doctor told me that Addison's refraction was fine, so she doesn't need glasses at this point, but she has a slight tilt (she tilts her head to a wierd positions to try to see better) and may need nystagmus surgery in the near future. I kept bringing up driving and if we could just get Addi's vision good enough for her to be able to putt around town and drive herself to school I would be happy, and he was very glass half empty and told me that probably wouldn't happen and I needed to just deal with reality. Well, He told us Addi's vision was between 20/200 and 20/400 but I have taken her to another eye doctor in Nacogdoches since who seemed to be more upbeat and easier to communicate with.

Dr Reisner, in Nacogdoches, is one of the sweetest, patient people ever and i would recommend her to anyone. She did some test cards with Addison and told us her vision was 20/170 which is right on the line of legally blind. But, when she sent us a letter telling us what all she did with Addi and what we need to prepare for, she changed her vision to 20/270. SO WHO KNOWS WHAT HER VISION IS. I need to just let it go and say it's just a number but ugh, it bothers me.

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