Thursday, August 20, 2009


As most of you know, I went and had Addison's pictures made recently. Oh my gosh, what a day. Addison hates the light and made the picture taking process quite a challenge. She kept her head at her chest and when I would call out to her, she would whine and just wanted me to pick her up. I understand that maybe she was a little alarmed at all the flashing, lights, and craziness going on, but I WANTED SOME GOOD PICTURES!! :) lol.

Anyways, a normal child you could stand back and hold a toy and get smiles, but not Addi, oh no, I had to stand real close to her which was in the photographers light which messed up most of the pictures. Stefanie Yoder was the photographer, and God love her she was so patient and sweet, and we really did get some awesome shots after all the hassle.

She bribed Addison with candy, little smarties that melt in your mouth... they freaked me out and we did have a little bit of a scare with them at one point... but it all worked out in the end :)

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