Friday, March 26, 2010

Granny on a rant!

Since Addison's diagnosis..I have had a lot of emotions to deal with that I did not expect. When I first realized how much attention Addison would get when we were in public together, it bothered me. I got angry at people who would gawk at her in restaurants. I finally decided I could NOT live this way and would not concentrate on the gawking but just enjoy Addison. Easily said right!! It helped but did not stop people from asking stupid questions, "Is that her real hair?" "What color are her eyes...they don't look blue to me?" I told Melissa that for strangers it was not worth the lengthy explanation..just give them a quick answer and go because a lot of people would start showing pity when you explained her hair was not blonde "like their nephew" but had no pigment. Why bring them down? Just say "yes, her hair is really white" and go on with your shopping. I didn't expect people to ask the rude questions. I didn't expect a whole kitchen staff to come to our table one by one to stare and say nothing. I didn't expect one friend to tell us that another had not come to visit but to get a picture of Addison to show her friends.
I felt anger growing again but did not know to what degree until Melissa and I were driving back from an engagement party. We stopped to eat and as we were leaving the restaurant I passed an older couple (early 60's). I heard the man say loudly, "Wow it really is blonde!" I turned around to respond in time to see his wife mouth the word...ALBINO. Okay, that was it ..the volcano erupted. I gave her a look that must have been frightening because her whole expression changed and I walked toward her..then I turned and went out. I was still mad but got in the car and we started for home. Thirty miles down the road I said, "AHA I should have said, "she is not the ALbino she is Addison who has albinism, I don't appreciate your label anymore then you would appreciate me calling you a dumbass because of you ignorance!" Wow that felt good..that is what I would say, I felt better. Then, I started to remember when Addison came home. No one told us anything was wrong but I kept seeing nystagmus (eye movement) and I had noticed the hair was really white. What do you think I typed into google?? ALBINO BABY! There is own ignorance. Two years ago if I had seen this baby would I have mouthed that same thing to Tom?? I can't say I am sure I would not do it. So the decision is made..the only way to fix ignorance is to educate. I am going to have something printed to hand out. After all that is said, I need suggestions...I am going to cover frequently asked questions and the Noah website. Someone already suggested I put a warning about the angry Granny. :) If you have any ideas...let me know
Now, the rant is over and I feel much better. Thanks for listening. Also, Melissa does not seem to have these issues, she is such a better person then her mom. I am so proud of her.

1 comment:

  1. Addison has educated all of us since she has been here.

