Thursday, March 18, 2010

Okay, I finally learned how to post pictures. I can not guarantee that I will remember this information, but I will try to do my best. Addison is walking and running nonstop. She is emptying my refridgerator daily and as I am cleaning up that mess, she moves on to the ice maker or a cabinet. She keeps her Granny running all day long. I love every minute of it. :) Addison is going to preschool two days a week now and that is going well. She plays with the other children and loves to play on the playground...which is that is a good thing. She did get a bite to her upper arm. You could make out each and every tooth and the bite lasted for a week but that is a hazard of being around 1 year olds. Of course we had to calm her Pappy and explain that "these things happen" as he is a little over protective. More tomorrow.....I need the practice. Melissa wants me to post a picture by myself also so I may have another picture coming tonight if I do it right !

See my teeth?? I have a mouthful.

I love being silly with my momma~~!

Notice I only have on one shoe!

This is my serious look.

This is my silly look which is usually all

the time.

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